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* [[#Amphetamines|Amphetamines]]
* [[#Anabolic steroids|Anabolic steroids]]
* [[#Benzodiazepines|Benzodiazepines]]
* [[#Cocaine|Cocaine]]
* [[#Dimethyltryptamine|Dimethyltryptamine]]
* [[#Ecstasy|Ecstasy]]
* [[#Heroin|Heroin]]
* [[#Inhalants|Inhalants]]
* [[#Ketamine|Ketamine]]
* [[#Khat|Khat]]
* [[#Kratom|Kratom]]
* [[#LSD|LSD]]
* [[#Marijuana|Marijuana]]
== Amphetamines ==
=== Sought after effects ===
* increased energy,
* increased sex drive,
* euphoria (intense happiness) at higher doses,
* alertness,
* confidence. 
=== Undesired effects ===
* reduced appetite,
* restlessness,
* loss of coordination (at higher doses),
* insomnia,
* loss of appetite,
* dry mouth.
See [[Amphetamines]] for further details.
== Anabolic steroids ==
=== Sought after effects ===
* assists the male sexual function,
* enhances libido,
* increases production of red blood cells (good for building muscles),
* enhanced muscle mass,
* enhanced performance,
* greater physical definition.
=== Undesired effects ===
* high blood pressure,
* liver damage (especially tablet form),
* can reduce testicle size,
* inability to get an erection,
* sterility/impotence,
* shrinking and hardening of testicles,
* breast enlargement,
* enlarged clitoris,
* disruption to menstrual cycle,
* growth of facial hair,
* acne,
* deepening of the voice.
See [[Anabolic_Steroids]] for further details.
== Benzodiazepines ==
=== Sought after effects ===
* calm and relaxed,
* induces long periods of sleep,
* relaxation,
* reduced anxiety,
* euphoria.
=== Undesired effects ===
* short-term memory loss,
* reduced mental alertness,
* anxiety,
* drowsiness,
* light-headedness,
* loss of coordination,
* confusion.
See [[Benzodiazepines]] for further details.
== Cocaine ==
=== Sought after effects ===
* sense of euphoria,
* increased wakefulness,
* increased confidence,
* exhilaration,
* elation.
=== Undesired effects ===
* anxiety,
* increased chance of stroke and heart attack,
* 'comedown' (usually depressed and tired feeling) as effects wear off,
* insomnia,
* loss of appetite,
* tension,
* aggression.
See [[Cocaine]] for further details.
== Dimethyltryptamine ==
=== Sought after effects ===
* visual perception (seeing bright colours, geometric shapes, 'soft edge' to objects),
* intense dreams,
* change in self-perception and identity (disconnection from senses when sought),
* changes in consciousness,
* distorted reality.
=== Undesired effects ===
* hallucinations can become frightening (overly intense),
* sense of disconnection from self,
* effect/comedown can be rapid and abrupt,
* disorientation,
* increased heart rate,
* increased blood pressure,
* nausea,
* vomiting.
See [[Dimethyltryptamine]] for further details.
== Ecstasy ==
=== Sought after effects ===
* sense of euphoria,
* feelings of empathy or emotional understanding in and between individuals,
* exhilaration,
* energy.
=== Undesired effects ===
* raised blood pressure,
* raised body temperature,
* 'comedown' (usually depressed and tired feeling) as effects wear off,
* sweating,
* nausea,
* vomiting,
* [[Terminology|nystagmus]],
* dehydration,
* confusion,
* anxiety.
See [[Ecstasy]] for further details.
== GBL/GHB ==
=== Sought after effects ===
* uninhibited,
* mild euphoria,
* relaxed feeling,
* aids sleep,
* a supplement for body building.
=== Undesired effects ===
* loss of body control - effects similar to alcohol which can last for several hours,
* feeling sick and being sick,
* numb muscle and disorientation,
* seizures and collapse,
* psychosis and severe agitation,
* tachycardia,
* delirium,
* auditory and visual hallucinations,
* paranoia ,
* dizziness,
* short-term memory loss.
See [[GBL/GHB]] for further details.
== Heroin ==
=== Sought after effects ===
* powerful euphoriant,
* relaxing effects,
* feelings of wellbeing and freedom from worry,
* intense rush,
* exhilaration,
* decreased anxiety.
=== Undesired effects ===
* nausea,
* loss of balance,
* overdose can be fatal,
* vomiting,
* drowsiness,
* decreased heart-rate,
* shallow breathing,
* coma.
See [[Heroin|Heroin]] for further details.
== Inhalants ==
=== Sought after effects ===
* dreaminess,
* relaxed,
* fits of giggles (with laughing gas),
* intoxication,
* disinhibition,
* reduced anxiety.
=== Undesired effects ===
* can experience vomiting and blackouts,
* mood swings,
* aggressive behaviour and hallucinations,
* potential breathing problems with chronic use,
* memory impairment,
* solvents and glue often perceived as a 'losers habit' in many circles,
* confusion,
* drowsiness,
* loss of coordination,
* slurred speech,
* nausea,
* visual disturbance.
See [[Inhalants|Inhalants]] for further details.
== Ketamine ==
=== Sought after effects ===
* sense of euphoria,
* pain relieving,
* a feeling that mind is separate from the body - described as a floating feeling.
=== Undesired effects ===
* causes loss of coordination,
* numbness in limbs,
* higher doses can cause an 'out-of-body' experience - the 'K hole,
* drowsiness,
* dizziness,
* confusion,
* hallucinations.
See [[Ketamine|Ketamine]] for further details.
== Khat ==
=== Sought after effects ===
* euphoric high accompanied by a sensation down the spine and through the body,
* talkative,
* mild euphoria,
* mild excitement,
* alertness,
* excitement,
* dilated pupils.
=== Undesired effects ===
* It can cause excessive sleepiness and depression,
* insomnia,
* loss of appetite,
* dry mouth,
* hyperactivity,
* constipation.
See [[Khat|Khat]] for further details.
== Kratom ==
=== Sought after effects ===
* simultaneous stimulation and sedation,
* feelings of empathy,
* feelings of euphoria,
* aphrodisiac qualities for some people,
* vivid waking dreams,
* increases sociability and talkativeness.
=== Undesired effects ===
* mild depression during and/or after,
* increase in (perceived) body temperature (feel hot and sweaty),
* desire to repeat experience more frequently than intended, can lead to addiction,
* tolerance building quickly after a few days in a row of repeated use, tolerance to effects reduces with a one to three days of abstinence,
* psychosis,
* convulsions,
* hallucinations.
See [[Kratom|Kratom]] for further details.
== LSD ==
=== Sought after effects ===
* effects similar to magic mushrooms,
* senses become distorted,
* perceptual changes to time, space and meaning,
* hallucinations,
* hilarity.
=== Undesired effects ===
* distortions can be frightening - 'bad trip',
* can negatively affect people who have mental health problems,
* confusion,
* disorientation,
* loss of coordination,
* distortions in time and space.
See [[LSD|LSD]] for further details.
== Marijuana ==
=== Sought after effects ===
* mellow, calm feeling,
* sense of well-being,
* changes in senses, especially eating hash cakes,
* often thought of as an aphrodisiac,
* stimulates appetite,
* pain killer (analgesic),
* relaxation,
* euphoria,
* hilarity.
=== Undesired effects ===
* increase in pulse rate,
* drop in blood pressure,
* sense of lethargy,
* concerns about the effect on the mental health of the young,
* can affect short term memory,
* can affect coordination,
* anxiety,
* paranoia,
* confusion,
* low blood pressure,
* short term memory loss,
* increased appetite.
See [[Marijuana|Marijuana]] for further details.

Revision as of 12:56, 28 March 2017